My Encounter With God

Reading about Jacob’s encounter with God got me thinking…

This past week I was studying Genesis 28, where Jacob was sent by his parents to his uncle’s house in Haran to find a wife. For someone who was used to the comfort of home, this was such a long and lonely journey! Imagine having to go to sleep with a stone for a pillow! As Jacob slept on that stone, however, he had an encounter with God!

Genesis 28: 11-13 ‘When he reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep. He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.  There above it[c] stood the Lord, and he said: “I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying.”’ (NIV)

Previously, Jacob only knew of the God of Abraham and Isaac. Now he got a chance to see God for himself! After that night’s experience, Jacob was a changed man!

Have I ever encountered God? Yes, I have. Let me share two instances below.

When I was in high school, I was the kind of person who literally ‘hung’ onto other people’s faith. I had no faith of my own. I tried to make it look like I was godly and naughty at the same time (if that’s even possible). Anyway…when the final exams came along, I freaked out. I could not afford to fail. I had to go to university. I just had to. That’s when I made a deal with God.

“Lord, if you help me get through this exam season and out of high school. In one piece, I will give my life to you.”

God is faithful. I finished high school.

I now had to keep my end of the bargain.

One day, quietly in my bedroom, I gave my life to the Lord. There was no stairway of angels. There were no flashing lights. There was no huge congregation to shout praises to God. It was just me and Him.

Totally unlike Jacob’s experience, right?

Not really. I had peace in my heart. I felt like a new person. I felt light, as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. This was a quiet and private encounter, but it made a huge difference in my life.

That was over 30 years ago.

Since then, I have had other encounters with God, but the one that stands out the most is one that took place when I was unwell.

I was at my wit’s end. The doctors were groping in the dark, giving me meds that were managing but not treating my condition. I had cried out the Lord. I had asked friends to pray. I felt like the Lord was not listening, and on that particular day, I knelt on the floor and cried. Silent tears flowed down my cheeks. I was broken.

After the tears were all gone, I knelt there silently, exhausted. I then heard a voice in my spirit say, “The battle is over.” What comforting words! I got up and sat on the bed, listening to Him, hearing beautiful words of comfort in my heart. The Lord heard my cry and met me on that floor. What an amazing encounter that was.

You may be wondering what the fuss is about encountering the Lord. Let me share below what an encounter with God means to me.

He embraces me

Have you ever been very sad and all you want is a hug? How do you feel when you get that hug? Now imagine an embrace from the Lord. He embraces us tightly, yet ever so gently and lovingly, as He takes away all the burdens that are weighing us down.

He changes me

People often say that when they spend a few minutes with someone they consider to be their icon, their lives are changed. Now, if just a few minutes with a human can change you, how about a few minutes in the presence of the Lord? His brightness chases away the darkness in you. His holiness forces the sin out of your life. His love chases away all the hurt and bitterness. Imagine all that happening to you after a few moments with the Lord.

He accepts me

When someone takes time to have a genuine chat with you and get to know you better, he or she is making the effort to welcome you into their world. Now picture the Lord coming to where you are, to embrace you and spend time with you. Would He do that if He did not accept and receive you as His own? No, He wouldn’t. I feel so comforted whenever I remember that He accepts and receives me with open arms whenever I go into His presence.

Dear friend, are you ready to have an encounter with the Lord? What’s holding you back? Perhaps you have not committed your life to the Lord. Maybe you have unconfessed sin, hatred, or bitterness eating away at you. Maybe you feel like He has disappointed you in the past. Maybe you have drifted away. Well, I have great news for you. God is ready for you. God is ready to spend time with you. He’s ready to meet you where you are.

Prepare yourself for an encounter with God.


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