When the Lord’s Timing Baffles You…

The disciples were terrified when they saw a figure walking towards them…

It had been a long day for the disciples of Jesus. They had watched Jesus teach and perform miracles, and all they wanted now was some quiet time with the Master. They dragged themselves to the shore and waited patiently for Jesus as they reflected on the events of the day. After waiting for a while, they decided to set off across the lake to Capernaum, hoping that He would catch up with them later.

As they sailed in darkness across the sea, a strong wind suddenly blew across the waters, making the sea rougher than what any of them had ever experienced. They looked at each other in horror, wondering what to do. Were they going to meet their death in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, yet some of them were experienced sailors?

They rowed frantically, trying their best to stay afloat, but the more they did so, the more desperate the situation became.

After rowing for about three or four miles, they saw a figure in the distance.

“Who could that be?”

“How did he manage to walk on the water?”

“Is that a ghost?”

The terrified disciples quaked in their seats. Now they had two problems – the storm and a ghostly figure walking towards them on the water!

Then they heard a voice they knew so well – the voice of the Master, saying, “Don’t be afraid. I am here!” It was Jesus who was walking towards them! What a relief! He had not forgotten about them even in their distress! The disciples then let him into the boat, and a few moments later, they reached the shores of Capernaum.

Have you ever wondered how you would react if you saw a figure walking towards you on the water? I would also be terrified to the point that I would not even hear His voice! Sometimes Jesus shows up like that – when we least expect Him – especially when we have cried out to Him over and over again.

As I read this passage today, I noticed that as soon as Jesus got into the boat and the sea became calm, the disciples realized that they were nearer to their destination than they had imagined!

Jesus could have come sooner, right? But He didn’t. His timing was, however, perfect.

How many times has the Lord come through for you just when you are about to give up? This has happened to me more times than I can count, and I am often left asking myself why the Lord did not step in sooner and why He let me go through so much during the waiting period.

I can imagine the disciples desperately wishing they had never embarked on that journey as they watched the waves tower over their little boat. Why didn’t they wait for Jesus? Jesus, however, had something for them to learn in all this – that He was in control of everything and that He was God.

There is always a lesson in whatever the Lord does in our lives. It could be a lesson in trusting Him more. It could be a lesson on how to wait on the Lord. It could be a lesson in patience.

Next time you are waiting desperately on the Lord, ask Him what He wants you to learn as you wait. Ask Him to help you listen to Him closely during that period of desperation. Listen carefully to what He is saying to you.

Lastly, always remember that the Lord answers our prayers at just the right time and in His own way. God will not always show up the way you expect Him to, but He eventually shows up. Our job is to wait, trust, and leave everything in His hands.

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 ESV

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