Who wants to surrender, anyway?

Why should I hand my life over to someone I can’t even see? How do I know He has my best interests at heart? Does He even care?

Have you ever asked yourselves these questions? I have, many times. Surrender is not something that comes easily to us. We want things to run the way we want them to. We want to be in control.

Jesus, however, wants us to surrender to Him. Fully. No holds barred. Everything. Our money. Our lives. Our families. Our hearts. Our minds. Our souls.

I’m shaking as I type these words because surrender is such a huge word! It’s a word we often use casually without realizing how important it is to God!

I love action movies, especially the parts where the bad guy makes the good guys chase him in high-speed car chases or search for him in the most interesting of places. All this time, the bad guy has this ‘macho’ and invincible look. Then, when the good guys finally capture him and he surrenders, he suddenly looks weak and defeated! He gives up completely and lets the good guys decide his fate.

We’re the bad guys.

Jesus is the good guy.

We spend our lives running away from Him until He catches up with us and brings us to a place where our only option is surrender. The chase ends with us kneeling meekly before Him and saying, “Lord, take over.”

Does it make sense to let the Lord take full control of my life? Nope.

Is it the right thing to do? Yes.


He knew me before I was born.
He created me for a purpose.
He knows everything about me and is concerned about every area of my life.
He loves me.
He surrendered to the will of the Father and gave His life for me.

Be brave enough to give your life to Him. Be brave enough to let the Lord control your life even when you know better. Be brave enough to give everything to Him.

Romans 12:2 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” (NIV)

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